Friday, December 9, 2011


This class was different from other classes because of the use of web technologies. Before taking this class I had never uploaded a video or a PowerPoint presentation. I also never created a blog before.
             Online learning is different than in person learning for several reasons. The main reason is I didn’t need to be at a specific place at a certain time to listen to a lecture or to complete work. Without these constraints I could review and start working on assignments whenever I want within a deadline period. Of course with this freedom it can be difficult to find the motivation to get online to start the work because there is no definite schedule of when class starts for the week. Like with physical classes I know I have to go because if I miss one lecture I know I could get behind or not hear important information. With online classes I know all the information is there so there seems no urgency to acquire it.
            The benefit to taking an online English class is that this is a class that doesn’t need to be in person. Most of this class is about reading texts and writing which is something that students can do themselves with little guidance.  There are some classes that need to be taken in person like for instance classes with lab requirements but an English class is not among them.
            When I found out this class was centered partially to posting on a blog weekly I was unsure how it would turn out. With the end of the semester at this point I can see how writing on a blog was a good idea for an online English class. Not only to get feedback from other students but to have all my work together in one place. The comments I received in response to my writing are more critical. I think it’s because it’s an online environment which is helpful in knowing where improvement in my work needs to be made. This is feedback in addition to my instructor. I could realistically see how a blog would be a good way to share my experiences with others so I would feasibly use this median in the future for sharing. This course along with some online technologies I used for the first time was a great help to improving my skills and as a result I’m happy I took this class with Laura Cline as the instructor.

Link to article on why online classes are better.

Image from here.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Reflection on the Course

            It’s surprising how fast the semester went by. Even though this online English class went by quickly I feel like I have learned a lot. With the end of the semester here I feel my writing skills have improved greatly compared to the start of the semester. In this class I learned how to look deeper when reading literature, analyzing to look for the meaning and how that affects the rest of the text. I have learned how to better organize my thoughts to write focused statements. After reading and writing about the novel Frankenstein I have a better understanding in looking for multiple meanings and perspectives. I feel like I have made a great improvement in my skills but that’s because my writing wasn’t very good to begin with so any change is going to be a great improvement. With the skills I learned in this class I know I can apply them to not only future college courses I will be taking but also to my future career.
The readings in the class have affected me in a way that it made writing about them easier just because they were interesting. The major readings of the class with the theme of monsters made the writing part of the class easier.  It’s not fun to write about a required reading you find tiresome.
I have met the learning outcomes for the class just by doing all the assignments required. When doing assignments I put effort in writing as best as I can with the continuous revision of my work to make sure that any readers can comprehend my thoughts and ideas. The peer review of other students work has helped not just in understanding the material better but the comments on my work on what I need to improve upon.  As a result of this I feel all of the learning outcomes have been met even if there is always room for me to improve upon.  
My writing process has changed with the realization that just starting my essay will get my train of thought moving. I can also go back to revise and improve my work. The hardest part of writing for me is just getting started. My process has changed with knowing my sentences and ideas have to flow and connect to my main idea/thesis. I try to envision how the reader will interpret the meaning of my words. This changes how I write.
The biggest challenges were just getting thoughts on paper. It’s hard to come up with views because I wanted to get the correct interpretation of the poem “The Second Coming” or the novel “Frankenstein”. I overcame this when realizing there is no true answer and any answer is correct as long as I can provide evidence. After that with any writing assignment I focused on writing what I really thought based on my own opinions instead of looking for the right answer or analysis. I feel this has affected me not just in writing but when dealing with people. I am more likely to say what I feel instead of what I think people want to hear. As a result I feel more authentic. This class was a great help to improving my skills and as a result I’m happy I took this class with Laura Cline as the instructor.